take a trip to...
The Robotanical Garden
A vast, beautiful public garden of the future is maintained by semi-intelligent robots and machines. At its heart, governing all robot functions and controlling every operation is a supremely intelligent AI system residing within a magnificent biomechanical tree.
Thank you for visiting The Robotanical Garden.
Enjoy the soundtrack and accompanying artwork below.
Precipitation Protocol
Precipitation Protocol ensures optimal hydration throughout all areas of the Garden.
In The Robotanical Garden, detailed information on the ecosystem's overall health status is passed back and forth at a near-constant rate via Mycelial Network Data Transfer. However, it is not known exactly when or how this symbiotic relationship between the underground mycelium and the biomechanical roots of the Garden came to be.
Pre-Sunset Diagnostics
Night Mode
SYSTEM ERROR: Irregular Signals Detected
We hope to see you again soon.